Aloizs Brenčs

Aloizs Brenčs

Aloizs Brenčs

  • Populiarumas: 2.086
  • Žinomas dėl: Directing
  • Gimtadienis: 1929-06-06
  • Gimimo vieta: Riga, Latvian Republic
  • Pagrindinis puslapis:
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: Aloizs Brenčs, Алоиз Бренч, Aloizs 'Aļiks' Brenčs

Biografija: The director who started the detective and thriller genre in Latvian cinema made his finest movies in the 1970s. In his work Brenčs accentuated the psychological motivation of the criminals and the causality of events. In a time when doubts were unacceptable, he allowed his characters to doubt,...

Aloizs Brenčs Filmai

Aloizs Brenčs TV laidos