Leung Ming-kai

Leung Ming-kai

Leung Ming-kai

  • Populiarumas: 0.484
  • Žinomas dėl: Camera
  • Gimtadienis:
  • Gimimo vieta:
  • Pagrindinis puslapis: http://www.mingkaileung.com
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: 梁铭佳, Leung Ming-Kai, Kai, Ming Kai Leung

Biografija: Leung Ming-kai competed as debut cinematographer at Camerimage for the film Mundane History. Subsequently, Kai has shot more than two dozen features in different parts of the world. He has been nominated for Best Cinematography in Thailand for By the Time It Gets Dark; in Canada for Old Stone; and...

Leung Ming-kai Filmai

Leung Ming-kai TV laidos