Mustapha Badie

Mustapha Badie

Mustapha Badie

  • Populiarumas: 0.523
  • Žinomas dėl: Directing
  • Gimtadienis: 1927-07-19
  • Gimimo vieta: Alger, Algérie
  • Pagrindinis puslapis:
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: Arezki Berkouk , مصطفى بديع

Biografija: Director and actor born in Algiers, Arezki Berkouk (أرزقي برقوق) made his debut in the municipal troupe of the Arab theater of the Algiers Opera, created by Mahieddine Bachtarzi and Mustapha Kateb, before acquiring training at the former RTF . At independence, under the name Mustapha...

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