Kazue Monno

Kazue Monno

Kazue Monno

  • Populiarumas: 0.001
  • Žinomas dėl: Directing
  • Gimtadienis: 1978-08-24
  • Gimimo vieta: Japan
  • Pagrindinis puslapis: http://tochka.jp
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: TOCHKA

Biografija: Kazue Monno is a visual artist and animation filmmaker based in the Netherlands and Japan. She has been working with Takeshi Nagata as the creative duo “TOCHKA” since 1998. They invented a method of creating animation called “PiKA PiKA”, which combines long exposure...

Kazue Monno Filmai

Kazue Monno TV laidos