Adly El Moled

Adly El Moled

Adly El Moled

  • Populiarumas: 2.178
  • Žinomas dėl: Writing
  • Gimtadienis:
  • Gimimo vieta: Egypt
  • Pagrindinis puslapis:
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: عدلي المولد, Adly El-Mowalid, Адли аль-Моулид, Adly Al-Mawlid

Biografija: Adly Al-Mawlid (عدلى المولد) is an Egyptian producer and screenwriter who appeared in the 1960s and continued for over ten years to write film stories, screenplays and dialogues, as well as productions, so that the total of his film works reached 29 works between writing. and...

Adly El Moled Filmai

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