


  • Populiarumas: 1.132
  • Žinomas dėl: Acting
  • Gimtadienis: 1967-01-15
  • Gimimo vieta: Tokyo, Japan
  • Pagrindinis puslapis: https://www.seinenza-eihou.com/profile-1/eihou-m/nishimura-t/
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: 西村 太佑

Biografija: He is an actor, voice actor, playweight, director and narrator. He is with Youth Theater Movie Broadcast. The main TV dramas are “ Musashi MUSASHI ” and “ Konaga ga ” (both NHK Taiga Drama ). In the stage version of "Matama Matazo Produced Performance Oi! Ryoma " (original...

西村太佑 Filmai

西村太佑 TV laidos