Elke Winkens

Elke Winkens

Elke Winkens

  • Populiarumas: 5.995
  • Žinomas dėl: Acting
  • Gimtadienis: 1970-03-25
  • Gimimo vieta: Linnich, Germany
  • Pagrindinis puslapis: http://www.elkewinkens.at
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: Elle Winkens, Ellie Winkens

Biografija: Elke Winkens, née Fischer is an Austrian-German actress. She grew up in the Netherlands in the district Ratheim in Hückelhoven. Because of her father's work the family had moved to the Netherlands and Belgium; for some time she also resided in Africa.

Elke Winkens Filmai

Elke Winkens TV laidos