Luke Geissbühler

Luke Geissbühler

Luke Geissbühler

  • Populiarumas: 2.355
  • Žinomas dėl: Camera
  • Gimtadienis: 1970-01-21
  • Gimimo vieta:
  • Pagrindinis puslapis:
  • Taip pat žinomas kaip: Люк Гейссбухлер, Luke Geissbühler

Biografija: Oscar-nominated Luke Geissbühler has always been interested projects with cultural significance. Some of his achievements include Borat 1 & 2, Fahrenheit 11/9, Helvetica, Buck, and Abstract-The Art of Design. Luke became unexpectedly world renowned when he was the first to capture video of...

Luke Geissbühler Filmai

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