Tusi Tamasese

Tusi Tamasese

Tusi Tamasese

  • Popullariteti: 1.243
  • Njihet për: Directing
  • Ditëlindja:
  • Vendi i lindjes: Samoa
  • Faqja kryesore:
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Biografia: Tusi Tamasese (born in 1975 or 1976 in Samoa) is a Samoan New Zealander film director. He is of high chiefly descent, of the Tupua Tamasese lineage. He came to New Zealand at the age of 18 with the intention to go to university, but, lacking a scholarship, began by working "picking tomatoes". He...

Tusi Tamasese Filma

Tusi Tamasese Shfaqje TV